On Farm Fertility: It starts with the soil
Here at Morning Star Farm, we believe soil fertility is of the utmost priority for a healthy and sustainable farm.
In the years of tending to this land we have faced many challenges and successes growing on the glacially carved landscape that is Orcas Island. Through time and commitment to soil health, we have seen top soil grow and burst with life. This biodiversity can be observed both above and below, on land that continues to give so graciously.

We view the farm as a living organism and the soil as a web of wonderfully complex biological agents who collectively drive the flow and availability of nutrients through the matrix. Healthy, abundant, and diverse soil minimizes the need for external inputs and maximizes the availability of the nutrients to the plants.
We strive to respond to the requests of the land and use tools compatible with the land where we are working. We work with hand tools in some areas, and in other areas, implement the use of a small tractor and spader. We produce and apply compost, vermicompost, compost tea, and biochar made with wood from our forest.
Thoughtful yearly crop rotations and irrigation promotes healthy crops, soil, and pest management. To attract beneficial pollinators and to promote biodiversity, we integrate perennial and annual plantings.
In early Fall, we put the beds to rest in cover crop with the goal of leaving no bare soil through the winter and supplying adequate fertility for the growing season to come. Ultimately, we consider this land to be a creative sanctuary where we work, play, and learn within the larger ecosystem.
We are constantly asking new questions, experimenting, and learning. Each season has a new surprise!